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Vue Slot Examples
Oftentimes you will need to allow your parent Vue components to embed arbitrary content inside of child components. (Angular devs, you know this as transclusion or content projection.) Vue provides an easy way to do this via slots.
Basic Usage
Vue.js Slots; Vue.js Component Props; Vue.js Events; Vue.js Components Communication; Vuex, the Vue.js State Manager; Vue, use a component inside another component; Vue, how to use a prop as the class name; How to use SCSS with Vue.js Single File Components; Using Tailwind with Vue.js; The Vue Router; Dynamically show a Vue component; The Vue. In the two examples above, we happen to pass string values, but any type of value can actually be passed to a prop. Passing a Number Even though `42` is static, we need v-bind to tell Vue that -
To allow a parent component to pass DOM elements into a child component, provide a element inside the child component. You can then populate the elements in that slot with
Vue Props Types
Note: If there is no element in the child's template, any content from the parent will be silently discarded.
Fallback Content
If the parent does not inject any content into the child's slot, the child will render any elements inside its tag, like so:
Named Slots
Having one slot to inject content into is nice and all, but oftentimes it would be preferable to be able to inject various types of content at different locations in the child component. Say you're making a burger component. You want the top and bottom buns to be predictably at the top and bottom of the burger, (don't you?) but also want to be able spread things on the bun halves.
Vue allows us to do this by way of named slots. Named slots are simply slots with a name attribute to allow for namespaced content injection.
Obviously I don't have a clue as to how to make burgers, but that should at least serve as an understandable guide to Vue slots. Enjoy!
bySai gowthamIn this tutorial, we are going to learn about propsin vue.js apps with the help of examples.
In Vue.js props helps us to pass the data from parent components to its child components.
Registering props
To use the props in Vue components first we need to register the props.
Let's create a new component called Button.
In the above code, we have registered a prop called name
inside the props
array. The registered props can be used inside the template just like data properties.
Passing the data to the props
Now, we can pass the data to that prop as a custom HTML name
Passing functions to the props
Let's register a second prop to our Button
Here we registered a handleClick
prop which is attached to @click
event to the button. Now we need to pass the function to that prop.
Inside the template we passed the shareMe
function to our :handleClick
Vue Slot Class
for dynamic values we need to use (colon) :propname
instead of propname
otherwise Vue treated it as JavaScript string.
To allow a parent component to pass DOM elements into a child component, provide a element inside the child component. You can then populate the elements in that slot with
Vue Props Types
Note: If there is no element in the child's template, any content from the parent will be silently discarded.
Fallback Content
If the parent does not inject any content into the child's slot, the child will render any elements inside its tag, like so:
Named Slots
Having one slot to inject content into is nice and all, but oftentimes it would be preferable to be able to inject various types of content at different locations in the child component. Say you're making a burger component. You want the top and bottom buns to be predictably at the top and bottom of the burger, (don't you?) but also want to be able spread things on the bun halves.
Vue allows us to do this by way of named slots. Named slots are simply slots with a name attribute to allow for namespaced content injection.
Obviously I don't have a clue as to how to make burgers, but that should at least serve as an understandable guide to Vue slots. Enjoy!
bySai gowthamIn this tutorial, we are going to learn about propsin vue.js apps with the help of examples.
In Vue.js props helps us to pass the data from parent components to its child components.
Registering props
To use the props in Vue components first we need to register the props.
Let's create a new component called Button.
In the above code, we have registered a prop called name
inside the props
array. The registered props can be used inside the template just like data properties.
Passing the data to the props
Now, we can pass the data to that prop as a custom HTML name
Passing functions to the props
Let's register a second prop to our Button
Here we registered a handleClick
prop which is attached to @click
event to the button. Now we need to pass the function to that prop.
Inside the template we passed the shareMe
function to our :handleClick
Vue Slot Class
for dynamic values we need to use (colon) :propname
instead of propname
otherwise Vue treated it as JavaScript string.
Validating props
Vue Slot Props Examples
So far we are registering props by using an array syntax but there is a second way to register and validate props by using object syntax.
Let's validate our props present in Button
Here we added two properties which are required
and type
of data the prop is accepting.
Now if we fail to pass the data to that prop Vue.js shows us an error inside our browser's console.